You know in that children's book, Once Upon a Potty, when the little boy (or girl, depending on the version you have) poo-poos, but "not exactly in the potty"... Well, Joel understands that part better now!
He has officially entered the "Potty Training Zone", which in the Tombrella house, means you run around nakedy all day until you catch on. Joel had sat on the potty twice already, after showing obvious signs he needed to go. Nothing. Well, just a few minutes ago, I heard Sam and Joel talking in the hall about pooping in the potty and then Sam ran in to get me and said, "Come see Mommy, come see!" Well I thought, "Wow, in just one day we have poo-poo success?! It took Samuel weeks to achieve this!"
Well, no. We didn't quite have success. A lovely present was sitting on the bathroom floor. Joel knew he needed to go and he made it to the right room... progress or a definite leaning if you ask me! So the training continues!
I think the theme of my Christmas will be, "All I want for Christmas is my two sons in underwear, my two sons in underwear..."! he he! Happy Wednesday!