Thursday, February 25, 2010

sick zone ending.

  • We officially have been to the doctor 4 times, and maybe one more time is needed tomorrow (for Asher).

  • The flu has ended.

  • Joel has a double ear infection now.

  • Asher has a new mysterious fever w/ no other symptoms.

  • Tball practice starts this weekend and their team name is now the Indians (sort of bummed about that b/c last year we went all out on the A's gear. Sorry Pop. Oh well, Academy shirts and/or caps will suffice this year!)

  • Rob and I are going on a date tonight, thanks to our good friends Stan and Sarah! Much needed! Sometimes I feel like the kids and I just want to be w/ "Daddy", ie. my man! ;)

  • My parents came last weekend and Rob's parents come this weekend! We love it when the grandparents visit! So much fun! Thanks for taking the time out guys to spend a weekend with us! We love you all!

  • Rob is preaching this Sunday!!!!! Yeah! Can't help but love it when my all-time favorite preacher preaches!

  • Boys went back to school today!! Yeah! They love it and hey, so do I!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

brief catch up from a tired mommy...

okay so here are the latest highlights, in bullet form:
  • It snowed a FOOT (ie 12 inches!!!!) last Thursday!!! (I could't decide what sounded more dramatic, a foot or 12 inches.) Needless to say, it was awesome and so beautiful! And sadly, not many pictures to show for it. (I will try to post what I have soon.)
  • Our entire family is sick. :( Asher and Sam have the flu (swine the dr. assumes), Rob and I have sinus infections (again, Michelle?, you may ask. Yes, AGAIN.) And Joel is getting over an ear infection, and praying it stays at more fevers and flu please!
  • The big boys are all signed up for T-ball (hence the new blog background) and ready for "Spring Training"! Our coach emailed today and said start practicing throwing and catching!
  • And finally, the Tombrella family is leaning daily, more than ever, on the help and grace of the Lord Jesus to not just "get us through" each day, but to empower us to do and say the right thing (primarily w/ each other), to forgive us when we don't, and joyfully walk through each day and all that it holds! And we strive to do it all for the glory of God!

Friday, February 5, 2010

a few asher pics...

Nothing big has been happening in our life lately, so the pictue taking has been nill to none. I did take a few of Asher a week or so ago and thought I would post them. He is such a cutie with quite a fun personality! He laughs, smiles, and seems just plain happy most of the time! (A true kindness of the Lord in my house of 3 boys!) He absolutely loves books, shoes, trains, and bellies! He never tires of carrying books over to me and settling into my lap for a quick read before he heads off the get another one and do it all over again! It is quite funny! And he insists on having shoes on nearly all the time. He isn't picky on whose they are either; could be his, a big brother's, Daddy's, or even Mommy's...any will suffice in his eyes! He now is starting to make the sounds the animals make when we look at them in his books; the "he haw" of the donkey is the cutest! He also can say "cho cho" for his trains, and he excels at "DA-DA" very loudly! And he finally is waving bye-bye, though not always on command! He actually waved at a book cover that had Dave Ramsey's picture on it in the bookstore the other day! So funny!
We all seem to be more in love with him as each day passes and so grateful his sweet spirit is among us! He truly brightens up any room he enters! Thank you, once again Lord, for our sweet Asher!
Rub-a-dub-dub, three boys in the tub!

...literally walking into the pillar!
(don't this he's quite ready for the Cowboys yet.)

Waving from one of his hiding spots!


Big boy!

Oh, how I love that sweet face!

What a gem!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

tee ball.

Well, it's almost spring and so we decided to try tee ball again this year and let Joel play too! We offered soccer, but there were no takers (hope you're happy Pop!). I went to sign them up yesterday (all 3 boys in tow) and Joel became very distraught when he wasn't grasping the idea that signing up did not mean going to play tee ball RIGHT NOW. It was pretty cute and a little sad at the same time.

We requested that they be on the same team, The A's, that Sam was on last year. We've already got A's gear, so it would be helpful if we could wear it all again this season! We'll keep you posted on the team placement...

We are all looking forward to another spring of weekly practices, the opening day parade (hope it's warmer this year!), and exciting games with our boys taking the field and hitting home runs! ;) Feel free to come on down and cheer our big boys! All family and friends welcome!