Friday, December 12, 2008

thanksgiving...a bit late

Well, I'm finally finding the time to update my blog about Thanksgiving! Sorry for the delay! We had a great time at the Tombrella's and the boys really loved playing with their cousins! Debbie, my mother-in-law, made an amazing spread of all the traditional foods...enough to feed an army, to-be-sure! I told her with all these boys I've got, she's going to have to teach me how to cook like that!...for an army, that is! ;) The highlight of the week was all the girls, compliments of my in-laws, had a night out on the town with dinner and the Houston Nutcracker Ballet!! What a great time we had! And all the daddies stayed behind to watch the boys and little Cate! Thank you, Debbie, for a funfilled memorable night! What a memory!
Now enjoy the pics!

Asher and his Grandma!

Chillin' at Grandma's after our big meal (which they hardly ate)!

Sweet Cousin Cate and Asher! Oh how she was taken with him! So cute!

Grandpa (after turkey?) (Sorry Robert!...I couldn't resist!)
I can't imagine where Rob gets his obsession w/ coffee...

All the girls before we headed out on the town!

At Birra Poretti's Italian restraunt...delicious!

Debbie up front with our carriage driver...Rachel treated us to a ride!

"The Michelle's" with beautiful grown up Faith!

The biggest gingerbread house I've ever seen!

Waiting for the show to begin...

Faith with Minnie Mouse (or so her autograph said...)

Oh, and remember my post on Dollar Store toys...
well here is one of the pictures of sad Sam with the pieces stuck on his finger.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

potty training...part 2

You know in that children's book, Once Upon a Potty, when the little boy (or girl, depending on the version you have) poo-poos, but "not exactly in the potty"... Well, Joel understands that part better now!
He has officially entered the "Potty Training Zone", which in the Tombrella house, means you run around nakedy all day until you catch on. Joel had sat on the potty twice already, after showing obvious signs he needed to go. Nothing. Well, just a few minutes ago, I heard Sam and Joel talking in the hall about pooping in the potty and then Sam ran in to get me and said, "Come see Mommy, come see!" Well I thought, "Wow, in just one day we have poo-poo success?! It took Samuel weeks to achieve this!"

Well, no. We didn't quite have success. A lovely present was sitting on the bathroom floor. Joel knew he needed to go and he made it to the right room... progress or a definite leaning if you ask me! So the training continues!

I think the theme of my Christmas will be, "All I want for Christmas is my two sons in underwear, my two sons in underwear..."! he he! Happy Wednesday!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Picture Tagged...

I was tagged a few weeks ago by my friend Jeanna and I failed to respond...this time Diane "picture tagged" me and since it is easier to respond, I did. So here is my picture. Isn't he a cutie, even though he looks pretty serious! That face can still be found quite often on the countenance of my now nearly 4 year old Samuel! My how time flies!

So now it's my turn to tag. I tag Alicia, Jeanna, Kelly Ross, Erin Ball, and Lauren Sok...
tag you're it!
Go to your pictures, look in your 5th file folder, and post the 5th picture in it....have fun!
Thanksgiving happenings to come....!