Monday, February 23, 2009

the "draft results...

Well, the "draft" results are in and it seems Samuel has been chosen to play on the Athletics t-ball team!!! His practices start on Wednesday and then games start on April 4th! They will be sporting green jerseys and white pants along with a green and yellow cap! So, if you want look like a fan, go out and purchase some Athletics gear yourself! ;)

Also, please pray for him as he will be entering a new "phase" and we want him to make new friends and enjoy himself! Pray also for Rob and I to be patient with him as he adjusts and to make new friends as well among the other parents! And may the Lord be evident in our lives and family as we interact with those around us at the practices and games!

Go Athletics!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

love day!

happy valentine's day!
love, asher

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

5 months old...

Well, a few days ago, Asher turned 5 months old! Hard to believe how fast the time has gone! We have settled into a bit of a routine and he is doing great! He coos, laughs, and loves to play peek-a-boo and be tickled. He also enjoys bouncing in his horsey as he smiles and laughs! He sleeps through the night (and has for a few months now) and has started eating rice cereal and bananas! What a joy he is! His smile (as you can see from most of the pictures), truly lights up a room! We did indeed name him well, as Asher means "happy or blessed"! We can't imagine life without him and I tell him all the time that I wouldn't trade him for the pick of a 1,000 girls! We love you Asher and are so grateful to the Lord for blessing us again with a precious son to love! How underserving we are but oh how thankful! May you grow up to be a man of God who spreads the gospel of Jesus Christ with love and passion!

Intently checking out a the double chin!

Sitting in his bumbo-type seat...big boy!

Tummy time!

More tummy time, looking big and strong!

Too cute!