Friday, June 12, 2009

five for friday...

yes...I am copying Callie...who admitted she was copying one of her friends. Oh well, are there really ANY original ideas these days anyways?!

I'm going to attempt to do five thoughts, updates, or random musings/happenings in our lives from that week. Hope they don't bore you to death! Here it goes...

1. The other day Sam said (probably just as an attempt to be REALLY cute, but hey, who cares), "Mommy, I'm a wittle sad. " To which I replied, "Why? What's wrong?" "I want to see Jesus." Sam answered.
(Oh that my heart would long for that every single moment of my life!)

2. Tonight we went to the last single's event for the summer. It was a BBQ at a families house w/ a pool. I took the boys but before we left, Rob told me it wasn't a pool/swim party. The boys were disappointed, but I said okay. Well, after being in the backyard at the party for only a few minutes the boys asked to put there feet in. Sure, why not? It's hot. I'll do it too. Well, by the end of it all, Joel was drenched and Sam was half way there!
Lesson: Put them in their swimsuits for good measure next time. Boys WILL get wet if there is water around!

3. I've nearly finished the biography of Elizabeth Prentiss and have absolutely loved it! What an encouraging, challenging, and inspiring book! I pray my life points to the Lord like hers and that I long to be with Him like she did!

4. So I've finally begun packing for our move. It's not very easy this time aroung with three kiddos underfoot; one literally! I'm starting to doubt I will get it all done in time. So, if you've got an itchin' to come fill a box or two, feel free!

5. Tomorrow night we are supposed to get together with our dear friends Josh and Amanda and I CANNOT wait! They just returned from the Pastor's College in MD, where we were last year! We can't wait to catch up and just be with them before they head out to Seguin, TX where Josh will be doing his internship. They are some of our dearest friends and the Lord has used them in so many ways in our lives and we are SO blessed to know them!

Well, there you have it, "five on friday". Hope it wasn't too boring. Thanks for reading!


my so called life said...

I'll take the boys for an afternoon so you can get some packing done :)

jeanna said...

very encouraging and uplifting to read on a friday, thanks girl, keep at it, and maybe i will steal the idea from you!