Friday, June 19, 2009

five for friday

here it goes...

  1. We are beginning our move to the house next door (yes, you read correctly, next door!) we will be renting while our new home is being built! It is chaos around here, to say the least!
  2. You never think you own as much stuff as you really do until you go to box and move it all! Less is more in my eyes these days! Give it all away!
  3. A quote from J.C Ryle in Duties of Parents: "I know that you cannont convert your child. I know well that they who are born again are born, not of the will of man, but of God. But I know also that God says expressly,"Train up a child in the way he should go," and that He never laid a command on a man which He would not give man grace to perform. And I know, too, that our duty is not to stand still and dispute, but to go forward and obey. It is just in the going forward that God will meet us. The path of obedience is the way in which He gives the blessing. We have only to do as the servants were commanded at the marrage feast in Cana, to fill the water-pots with water, and we may safely leave it to the Lord to turn that water in to wine." ...enough said!
  4. Joel's newest "baby step" toward pooping in the potty, is to ask for a pull-up and then go sit on the potty with it on. (Hey, I said baby step...) He used to come ask and then go hide in his room to do his "business", so at least getting him to not be afraid of sitting down to go is a step in the right direction.
  5. Sam's latest phrase he has picked up: "No thank you Mommy, but thank you for asking." So cute! He's heard me say it (I assume) and loves to "impress" me with it! :)

There you have it! Have a great weekend!

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