Friday, November 14, 2008

bunk beds, boxes, and boys...(and Asher too!)

Sam and Joel are officially 'big boys' now because they sleep in bunk beds (though we keep telling Joel he's not until he uses the potty and says goodbye to the diapers)! They love them and today they loved them even more because Mommy let them play with the boxes from the bunk beds! Oh what joy! I think I should add "...& Boxes" to the title of my blog after this post!
This afternoon I let them play in the boxes in the garage and they had a blast! After days like today I always ask myself why we spend money on toys?!
Another recent thing the boys have gotten into is taking pictures with our digital camera. So very glad it is digital and we can simply delete the crazy ones...though some are worth keeping! What did parents do before there were digital cameras? Waste a lot of money I guess. We are getting Sam a kid's digital camera for his birthday next month, so I'm sure I will post some more of his shots over time!
And I included some pics of Asher at the end because he is just too cute not to! Enjoy!

The beds that made this post possible! ha ha

Jumping on the old crib mattresses from their toddler beds...
another benefit of the bunk beds!

Joel's picture of Sam. pretty good.

Sam's picture of Joel. even better...though Joel's expression is weird!

Sam's picture of Mommy and Asher...not bad.

Our happy little guy!
(Mommy took this one.)


jeanna said...

i am so happy to hear that asher is sleeping through the night, what a blessing, thank you babywise! your boys are very good picture takers, maybe a few photographers in the family! the bunkbeds are cute, i am glad they like them! can you believe our little ones will be four soon? wow, how time flies!

Jordan Family said...

Your doing a great job Michelle! I can't wait to join you in a couple of weeks. Woo-hoo for moms of 3 under 4. Much love and Celebrity Bakery tears -Amanda

Anonymous said...

Those boys are such a joy!!! By the way, I love the beds!