Thursday, September 27, 2007


Even as I write this, I feel a bit silly... I miss Texas! It's not really the place itself, though, it's all that the place holds that is so dear to me...our family...our friends...our church...our dog (can't believe I'm admitting that!)...and our house that we call home.

The other day, after a difficult morning, I cried to Rob about missing "home"! I told him I missed our parents, I wanted to pet Colby (our dog), I needed a hug from Betsy (miss your hugs Betsy!), I needed Diane, I needed Amanda, I wanted to hold Judah and talk with Holly, and I wanted our house with the swing set in the backyard for the boys to play on. It was rather a pathetic moment! But God, in his kindness reminded me of all I have here and how he is providing for us right where we are! I love how he does that! So good of him, in spite of my self-pity and despair I was tempted to! He reminded me that here in Maryland God has given us a safe and comfortable home, an amazing church, godly new friends who want to come alongside us for these next nine months and point us to Christ, visits from friends back home to look forward to and enjoy, opportunities to see and visit new things and places, and provision to make a trip home to Texas for Christmas! Truly so much more than we deserve!

So....if you are tempted to fear or depair over your current situation, like I was, let me humbly say, "DON'T!" Christ took care of our greatest problem on the cross, and he is working all things together for your good! The gospel really is, GOOD NEWS! And to take it even a step further to help lead you away from temptation, do what my good friend Diane suggested...list all the things you are looking forward to in the coming days and holiday season! It will change your perspective and hopefully fill you with anticipation! "Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come." Proverbs 31:25

No matter where you are not alone, you haven't left God's sight, and he hasn't forgotten about you! He is still sovereign over all...even little 'ole me and you!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Our Morning at the Orchards!

These are the few pics I took of our trip to Butler's Orchard this morning! We went with two of my friends (also wives of PC students) and their kids as well! We had lots of fun, only sweated a little, and picked lots of apples and raspberries!
Mmm, delicious!
(Oh, and the date on the pics is wrong for some reason, it should say 09/20/2007...sorry).
The road leading to Butler's Orchard...very "New England" isn't it?! I love it!

There are just too many to pick!

The brothers picking apples...we're not in Texas anymore Mommy!

Mommy and Joel reluctantly posing for a pic..."Bubba" wasn't into it (big surprise).

Mommy climbing up the apple tree too! The ripest ones are on the top, of course!

One of our new friends, Allie, enjoying a fresh picked apple!

Joel dropping his first picked apple into his "apple bag"! This one actually came from the tree, not the ground!

Sam picking his first apple of the tree...probably not the ripest of the bunch, but so fun!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Pictures of the Boys!

Thought everyone would like to see some pics of our big, and getting bigger everyday, boys!...and boy are they ALL boy!!

We went and saw an old steam engine and caboose. They really liked it!

Yes...they are watching t.v. And see how
still and quiet they are for this cute shot?!
T.V's not all bad!

Sam and Joel "cooking" in their "house"!

Joel enjoying his ice cream ("ice
keem" cake on his b-day...hence the
need for no shirt!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Mrs. C.H. Spurgeon (A book review)

I completed Mrs. C. H. Spurgeon by Charles Ray last week and found it to be a very easy, enjoyable, and encouraging read! She was a remarkable woman; one who truly was an example for all other pastor's wives both then and now! I was struck by many quotes from Mrs. Spugeon, and by her undying devotion and service to the Lord and husband. The author, Charles Ray, wrote of Mrs. Spurgeon, "Her life was one long self-sacrifice. Her life is a brilliant example of what can be done by a weak woman who devotes herself to the service of the Master..." She threw herself into everything she did, and it showed.

After her initial meeting of Charles Spurgeon, Mrs. Spurgeon, known as Susannah Thompson at the time, was less than impressed! She admitedly looked upon him with prideful eyes and couldn't see past his "countrified manner and speech". Mrs. Spurgeon is quoted, after reflecting on the event, "It is a mercy that our lives are not left for us to plan, but that our Father chooses for us; else might we sometimes turn away from our best blessings, and put from us the choicest and loveliest gifts of His providence." I'm sure we all can agree with that thought with a hearty, "AMEN!"

Susannah Spurgeon was also a woman, who though at first found it difficult, embraced the sacrafice of releasing her husband with grace and much faith! There is much for me to learn from Mrs. Spurgeon in this area! During the couple's engagement and after a discouraging event, Susannah recalls her mother wisely telling her,"that my chosen husband was no ordinary man, that his whole life was absolutely dedicated to God and His service, and that I must never, never, hinder him by trying to put myself first in his heart." Quite a lesson to learn and one I struggle with often!

Charles Spurgeon's love for Susannah was just as devoted and tender as any man's should be. That was surprising to me though, because all I really knew of this "giant of the faith", was that he was amazing preacher used profoundly by the Lord. I knew nothing of his personal life, let alone details about his conversations with or letters to his wife (aka "Wifey"!). In his letters to her during their many times apart, he spoke often of his undying love and devotion to her as well as his longing to be with her.

One part that was lacking in the book was her role as a mother. She and Mr. Spurgeon had twin boys not long after being married (about nine months later), but little was told about this part of their lives. Just a small paragraph about their joy and hopes for the boys after their birth is given. I would to have liked to know more about her raising of their sons, but there very well could be another book out there more focused on this very area that I am not aware of.

Overall I found this book to be a very easy, enjoyable, and encouraging book to read. I would gladly recommend it to just about anyone, especially fellow pastor's wives! * * * * (4 stars!)

Friday, September 7, 2007

First Ladies' Meeting with Carolyn Mahaney!

Last night was the PC student's and their wives first monthly meeting with the Mahaney's! It had been scheduled to be a couples meeting, but CJ decided to change it at the last minute. He said the ladies would benefit more from being with just Carolyn. And we did benefit greatly from her right from the start! What a treat!

She began with her testimony which included her childhood/youth years, her conversion, meeting CJ, and then their early years of marriage and motherhood. I was greatly impacted by God's grace in her life in those early years of marriage and motherhood. She didn't have an older woman to turn to for wisdom and advice so she devoured any books she could find that would serve her. In her telling of this struggle and desire, I was struck by God's grace and kindness towards me to have supplied older women and numerous books to help, serve, and walk along side me. What a gift and mercy of the Lord! I was also slightly convicted that I don't tap into these sources of grace enough! I don't read enough! I don't ask questions or for help enough! By God's grace I will humble myself and do this more!

Another truth that is echoing in my heart today as I reflect on all Carolyn said is this, "The best way we can serve the church begins in our home." Wow! How simple and yet convicting. I confess that I have not seen it that way. I have complained in my heart, and at times, aloud, about being without Rob when he has been serving (and now learning!), or about caring for and disciplining the children more without him, than with him. Carolyn freshly reminded us, that our pastor husbands, in this regard, are not ours. It should be a privilege to release him for service to the body of Christ! I pray that in this season and time at the PC, the Lord will do a real work and change in my heart to view my circumstances with fresh faith and joy!

I could go on and on, but I will end on that note. And to all you guys out there, I will try to have Rob add a post about the men's time with CJ! Love you all!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Labor Day Weekend (so far)!

Well, Saturday was a whirlwind of activity! That morning I had a ladies' meeting at the Ricucci's home, while Rob took the boy's to the park to meet Toby Kurth and his boys to enjoy donuts and let the kids run and play. In the afternoon, Rob and Curtis Allen (another PC student) spent some time with a few kids in our apartment complex who wanted to know more about Christ! They reported that it was a very fruitful time and they plan to do it again! Then in the evening we enjoyed dinner with another PC couple (Amber and Steve!)...chicken enchiladas that they prepared and brought over, followed by a fun time of getting to know each other and sharing our "stories"!

The highlight of the day for me, though, was definitely the monthly ladies's meeting. It was wonderful! We enjoyed sweet fellowship, a short getting to know each other activity, and then a time of teaching/encouragement from Betsy. She really emplored us to postion our hearts toward the Saviour and spiritual growth in three particular ways at the start of this year: faith, humility, and anticipation. The first was faith - because of who God is.
"God does not love us because Christ died for us; Christ died for us because God loved us." (John Stott-The Cross of Christ)
"He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it." I Thess. 5:24

The second was humility-because of who we are. Betsy shared a quote from Jerry Bridges (Transforming Grace) " ourselves we are weak, unworthy, and inadequate. We really are. We are not deniatgrating ourselves when we recognize this truth. We are simply acknowledging reality and opening ourselves to the grace of those who genuinely acknowledge they are weak, unworthy, and inadequate, God does promise to give grace." How true! I was freshly reminded that is is all "from him, and through him, and to him". (Rom.11:36) She also presented us with the thought that our need for God should be conscious and continuous. We should be very aware of our need for the Lord and that need will and should never stop! Even when we think we've got it all under control, it's just a facade...He's really the one in control and we need his help!

And the last way to postition our hearts toward the Saviour and growth is through anticipation- because God is always at work. Once we become truly aware that he is working and start looking for it, we will see Him everywhere! We should also be filled with gratitude, joy and amazement that we get to participate in what he's doing! What a kindness!

Overall is was a very refreshing and encouraging time! It really helped me to view this year with fresher anticipation and hope to experience all God has for us here, and to truly be clay in the potter's hands! All glory to God!