Sunday, September 2, 2007

Labor Day Weekend (so far)!

Well, Saturday was a whirlwind of activity! That morning I had a ladies' meeting at the Ricucci's home, while Rob took the boy's to the park to meet Toby Kurth and his boys to enjoy donuts and let the kids run and play. In the afternoon, Rob and Curtis Allen (another PC student) spent some time with a few kids in our apartment complex who wanted to know more about Christ! They reported that it was a very fruitful time and they plan to do it again! Then in the evening we enjoyed dinner with another PC couple (Amber and Steve!)...chicken enchiladas that they prepared and brought over, followed by a fun time of getting to know each other and sharing our "stories"!

The highlight of the day for me, though, was definitely the monthly ladies's meeting. It was wonderful! We enjoyed sweet fellowship, a short getting to know each other activity, and then a time of teaching/encouragement from Betsy. She really emplored us to postion our hearts toward the Saviour and spiritual growth in three particular ways at the start of this year: faith, humility, and anticipation. The first was faith - because of who God is.
"God does not love us because Christ died for us; Christ died for us because God loved us." (John Stott-The Cross of Christ)
"He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it." I Thess. 5:24

The second was humility-because of who we are. Betsy shared a quote from Jerry Bridges (Transforming Grace) " ourselves we are weak, unworthy, and inadequate. We really are. We are not deniatgrating ourselves when we recognize this truth. We are simply acknowledging reality and opening ourselves to the grace of those who genuinely acknowledge they are weak, unworthy, and inadequate, God does promise to give grace." How true! I was freshly reminded that is is all "from him, and through him, and to him". (Rom.11:36) She also presented us with the thought that our need for God should be conscious and continuous. We should be very aware of our need for the Lord and that need will and should never stop! Even when we think we've got it all under control, it's just a facade...He's really the one in control and we need his help!

And the last way to postition our hearts toward the Saviour and growth is through anticipation- because God is always at work. Once we become truly aware that he is working and start looking for it, we will see Him everywhere! We should also be filled with gratitude, joy and amazement that we get to participate in what he's doing! What a kindness!

Overall is was a very refreshing and encouraging time! It really helped me to view this year with fresher anticipation and hope to experience all God has for us here, and to truly be clay in the potter's hands! All glory to God!


Diane said...

Michelle, I saw your prayer column on your sidebar and I will pray for you guys in those areas. Keep us updated!

Alicia Hartman said...

Michelle, I am really enjoying your blogspot. It is a great way to keep up with you guys and all the fun adventures you are having up there. We will be praying for you guys in the areas you shared. I wanted to thank you for sharing from your ladies' meeting I needed to be reminded of those as well. We miss you and love you tons!

jeanna said...

Wow, it sounds like you got some really good teaching. Thanks for sharing that, it is even encouraging me in this new chapter going to start in our lives in a few months. God is good and being around women and men who truly love and trust the Savior is so refreshing. Love ya girl!

Michelle said...

Thanks for the comments and encouragements dear sisters! I love and miss you all!