Sunday, November 4, 2007

Sad News

Today we found out from our friends that our beloved pet of 5 years, Colby, is missing. :( After a good cry, I calmed down enough for Rob to tell me what they think might have happened. In the past year Colby has experienced seizures off and on and so he may have had one and run away in his confused state. Holly (our dear friend who, along with her husband Aaron, is renting our house and taking care of Colby in Texas) heard some strange noises last night in the back yard...almost like someone was back there. They have no evidence that there was, but it really scared Holly. Colby never really barked which he always does when he hears something or someone unknown to him comes in the yard. Needless to say, we really just don't know what happened to him. Please pray for his quick and safe return. He has always been a sweet and gentle dog that we truly love and have missed. "Come home Colby!"

1 comment:

erin said...

Michelle, Aaron old us about Colby! Sniff, sniff. LIttle Elm posts pictures of their shelter dogs so I've been looking for him! I hope he comes home!