Thursday, November 29, 2007

A Memorable NC Thanksgiving!

The Tombrella family was blessed to be able to spend our Thanksgiving holiday with our precious friends, the Childers! We made the 5 hour trek (thanks to traffic) to Wilson, NC where Jeanna and Justin now live. We had a wonderful time all being together and watching our little ones play together. Jeanna and I had a great time preparing the Thanksgiving feast together on Thursday! It was a delicious meal and a lot of fun enjoying it together with them! Jeanna is expecting their second child in just a couple of weeks, but she didn't miss a beat in the preparations of the meal, or in having energy enough to do all the activities. We shopped together a little of Friday (our favorite pasttime to do together!), took the kiddos to Chucky Cheese on Saturday for lunch, and got to just hang out a lot together. She also allowed me to help in her Christmas decorating which is always something I look forward to at my own home each year, but am not really doing in MD this year.

Thank you Jeanna and Justin, for a very fun and memorable time over the Thanksgiving holiday! You guys mean so much to us and we are truly thankful for you and your friendship! God has used you in many ways in our lives and he has blessed us through you more than you know! We love you guys!


pastor justin said...

Our pleasure. Thanks for everything.

Diane said...

sounds like fun! we will see you in just a few weeks!!! Can't wait!

jeanna said...

It was a pure joy and blessing to have you guys here. You are our best friends, and we love you so much.

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