Friday, February 29, 2008

Prophesy Team from Philly

What an amazing morning we had! Today was the much anticipated day when a team from Covenant Fellowship church in Philadelphia came to pray for, prophesy over, and encourage all the PC couples!

I went into the morning not really sure what to expect, but was absolutely blown away by how the Lord showed up and ministered to all of us in powerful ways! To hear specific words being spoken over friends was so amazing...and so accurate! And then to have several members of the team pull Rob and I aside and encourage us, prophesy over us, and pray for us was like nothing else I've experienced! We were so humbled, encouraged, refreshed and edified by all that was spoken and all that we heard! This day will not soon be forgotten by any of us! Rob and I can't wait to sit down together on our next date and read over and evaluate the notes taken for us of the words spoken over us! I am more convinced than ever, that the gift of prophesy is alive and well today in God's church...all he is looking for are eager, humble, and willing servants!

Thank you Lord, for sending your Holy Spirit into our midst today and refreshing our souls through your servants and your presence! The more I learn of you and experience you, the more of you I want! May that hunger never by quenched! All praise and glory to you!


jeanna said...

Wow! What a blessing for you guys! God is good to give us people to encourage and strengthen our walk with Him. Love ya girl!

Rob Tombrella said...

In case anyone is wondering about the legitimacy of those with the gift of prophecy. One of my friends was called up to the front and the guy described him exactly--things you'd only know if you knew him for months. One very kind lady approached Michelle out of the blue and felt like she was to pray for her. "Umm...are you pregnant?" "Well,,yes we are." "Okay, that was the impression i got, the Lord wants to encourage you....."