Friday, April 4, 2008

Care Packages, Potty Training (?), and Other Randomness

Well, today I just sort of felt like putting down a few thought and ramblings....sorry for those of you hoping for pictures of the boys or something. Don't worry, they will be mentioned more than once in this post!

We received our March and April care packages from our home church just a week or so was great! We have been so blessed this entire year by the love and care we have experience from our sending church through these packages! They have come filled with pictures, cards of encouragements, treats and toys for the boys, gift cards, and all sorts of an assundry of items! Always a blessing and joy to tear into as a family when one arrives each month! And though the boys love the contents of each box, there is just something about a box and a boy... Sam especially is drawn to play and enjoy the box long after the contents have been removed and looked at. Our March package came with crayons for the boys so they both immediately wanted to color, though Sam asked to color the box! So cute! He had a blast!
And then just the other day our April package came already (Amanda is always on top of things!). The boys absolutely loved all the "Cars" things they got, including the movie itself, but lo and behold, now 4 days later, Sam is enjoying "living" in the box and hiding in it and playing marbles in it...who needs toys when you've got a box big enough to fit in?! So I guess, to anyone sending any future packages, FYI, just send an empty box for the boys and they will be happy! :)

Oh and then there is potty training....what a struggle! No one told me how unbelievably unaccomplishable it will seem with a boy who has quite a strong will!!! Will he ever live in underwear and pee AND poop in the potty ALL THE TIME? I must say, this weary mom's faith is waning. PLEASE pray for potty success!

And when does spring really arrive in MD? It is yet to be seen. 36 degrees in April is definitely not this TX girl's idea of spring! I am dying to wear the sandals and flip-flops (though Rob may be more passionate about the flip-flops than I!) and say "Bye-bye!" to the coats and jackets! I also have a lot more matenity clothes for spring and summer to choose from, so if you see me in my green sweater or green long sleeved shirt AGAIN, please bear with me...I do have other clothes, just not for the cold!

But yesterday the boys and I had a sweet moment on the couch! I was laying on the couch reading to them and after I finished a book Sam asked, "Mommy you have a baby in you tummy?" I said, "Yes, do you want to try to feel her and talk to her?" (No, we don't know the sex, but we are speaking in faith!) Then I let him put his hand on my tummy and try to feel where I thought the baby was laying. She wasn't moving, but it definitely felt harder there than anywhere else on my tummy. He said he felt it, but I'm not really sure. Joel started wanting to get in on it all too and was saying, "HI baby." But then the cutest part came...Sam proceeded to tell the baby, "Hi baby, this is Sam and Joel and Mommy." I guess he thought the baby needed to be properly introduced to everyone! I almost started crying I thought it was so sweet and cute.

Well, that's about I've I got for now. Thanks for reading all my "Mommy Musings". I pray that today, if you are a child of God, that you are more aware of His grace, love and forgiveness, than your failings and shortcomings. Take a fresh look at the cross.


Anonymous said...

Friend, I miss you!!! Solange

Anonymous said...

Ok so I started to tear up when I read about Sam introducing the family to the new baby! What a sweet soul. I miss you very much and can't wait for your return home!!!