Thursday, May 8, 2008

Spidermen and Scissors...

No, Spiderman did not resort to scissors instead of shooting web and he does not have a twin brother who was also bit by a radio-active's just my boys dressing up like their favorite superhero one morning! And Sam is learning to use scissors, so I thought I would add a few pics of my big boy and a short little video too! Enjoy! Love you all!
All my in his "Peter Parker" get-up!

Spiderman Time!

Sam (right)sportin' his mask!
Joel (left) case you couldn't tell!

Scissor Time!


Callie said...

I love the video!! "1, 2, 3...2 mommies!" So cute...

Anonymous said...

How cute!!! I love you guys and miss you sooooo much!!!

Laura said...

I love the video too! He's talking so much more. What a cutie. Can you believe it's already time to come back home?? We all can't wait! Preparations for the Tombrella return have commenced!

Kelly said...

I love this post, Michelle! Your boys are sooo cute! I love the little side bar ticker count down too!! I can't believe its almost time to go back home. Goodness. xoxo