Sunday, August 31, 2008

Joel's 3rd B-Day Party

Well, Joel's birthday was a few weeks ago now, but I thought you might enjoy taking a look at how it went! He seemed to have a great time with all the fun activities and friends, and of course, all the new toys! We borrowed a friend's bounce house, had a spiderman slip-n-slide, and an oversized kiddy was had by all! And the weather was perfect...overcast with no rain and a slightly cooler temperature! Definitely a rarity for August in Texas! Enjoy the pics!
Wish you all could have been there!

The boys and Eyan in the bounce house!

The adorable birthday boy!!!

Big brother Sam trying out the slip-n-slide...not quite sliding,
but having fun!

So proud of his birthday cake (my mom decorated)!

Our homemade Spiderman cupcakes!

"Are you saying Cheese?...I am!"

"I'm getting so old!"

"I love red icing...escpecially all over me!"

Present time!

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

It looks like Joel had a GREAT time! The cupcakes looked so cute ... gotta love red icing, lol.

How are you feeling these days? Any day now, huh? Please let us know when things start happening, so we can be praying for you and the baby.

Much Love,
Rebekah and family