Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Our New "Kick"

The boys latest "kick" is Winnie the Pooh...they love watching the movie we have and Joel loves singing the Pooh song at all kinds of random times of the day! SOOOO cute! Here is a video in which we tried to capture some of his adorable singing!

(Oh, and all of you who are far away get to see my big 'ole belly! Only a few more weeks...Praise the Lord!)


Kelly said...

SO So So adorable! I can't wait to show Maddie this video when she wakes up--I think she needs to be reminded of her boys in Texas :) You look great Michelle--hang in there :) before you know it you'll be holding a new adorable baby boy! Miss you all! xoxo

jeanna said...

That is so cute! Joel is so crazy. It seems funny seeing you guys back in your house. Your belly is so cute, and I can understand why you are ready for him to come!! Love ya!